Drive, Focus, Planning, Steering: always unique

It is the second nature of Drive4Result to have a focus on achieving result with the required drive. But only a strong drive and focus are not sufficient to get result. Each project is unique, has its own definition of result and usually is executed once, those are the basic attributes of a project. Often there is an associated attribute: short and fierce.

From years of practical Project Management experience (predominantly in complex business projects with a large IT component), Drive4Result aims to discover and define in the early stage of the project what it is that makes the project unique in order to adjust and apply a suitable planning and adequate steering mechanisms. Sometimes it is the to be developed product or service unique, but the development methodology is not. Another time it is the project environment that is unique, but the result is not. And in another case it could be that it is uncertain in the beginning that the result will be achieved, for example in a sales process, but a unique structured sales approach is the means to raise the chance of getting the result. See w.r.t. this last example the Sales and Account Management page of Drive4Result.

From the usual means for steering a project, Drive4Result will determine which ones need to be applied more specifically. In addition, Drive4Result uses a number of basic daily principles and test questions in each project:

  • Agree = Agree (say what you do and do what you say)
  • A risk is an activity/action
  • The result is the use of it
  • “What is against doing it now (and not tomorrow)?”
  • “How can it be done more clever/handier?”
  • “Who needs what when from you”


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